Omega 3 Fish Oil Benefits for Hair, Nails and Skin

Did you know that many people suffer from an omega-3 fatty acid deficiency and do not even know it? Approximately 95% of all Americans do not get enough healthy Omega 3's in their diets!

Symptoms of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency can include unmanageable hair, brittle or soft nails, and scaly, parched skin. Your hair may grow slowly and be lifeless, dull and brittle.

Omega-3 Fish Oil is known for its ability to combat dry and brittle hair, hair thinning, dry, flaky scalp and decreased circulation to the scalp. The benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids (DHA and EPA) include adding luster, sheen and elasticity to your hair. Omega-3 can help boost hair growth, help hair grow quicker and stronger, as well as prevent or reverse hair loss.

This Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplement by Nature's Best Secret is the finest that you will find for your hair, nails and skin – due to the high dosage of EPA and DHA (800 mg EPA and 600mg DHA per serving).

Deficiencies in Omega-3 fatty acids can also cause your dry and weak fingernails. Omega-3 will help reduce inflammation within your nail bed, nourishing and promoting healthy cells. Your nails will grow faster and become stronger.

The EPA in Omega 3 Fish Oil greatly benefits skin by regulating oil production to boost hydration. This can slow down the skin's aging process. Because EPA is both an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory, it can protect against sun damage and help repair it.

A few more benefits are: It Reduces Joint Pain – Enhances Brain Function – Decreases the Possibility of Heart Attacks and Strokes – Lowers Cholesterol – and Regulates Blood Pressure.

Due to the fact that most of us don't get enough Omega-3s in our diets, it is a very good idea to take a Top quality Supplement.

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